Why You Should Relocate Honey Bees Instead of Exterminating Them

When you find a hive of bees near your home or on your property, your first instinct may be to exterminate them. If they are honey bees, however, you should consider relocating them. There are many reasons to relocate honey bees including:

  • Helpful pollination for agriculture
  • Assist floral growth
  • Honey production



Honey bees are one of the many pollinators found in nature. They transfer pollen from the male part of the flower to the female part of the flower. This is helpful in a wide variety of ways. If you are a farmer, you want the honey bee to help pollinate agricultural crops. These types of bees also help pollinate flowers, keeping your landscaping beautiful and providing habitats for other insects and birds.



Honey bees are aptly named because they produce the sweet, sticky substance. The honey bees you find on your property pass nectar back and forth before depositing it and sealing it in a honeycomb. This honey is then used by the bees as a winter food source and by people who enjoy a natural sweetener.

If you hire a pest control company to help relocate honey bees, you are helping preserve all the beneficial work the bees do for the environment and agriculture. If you need honey bee relocation in Cary, visit this website.

honey bee