Managing Animal Control: The Humane Way

Animal control can be a crazy business. Pesky rodents, insects, and other critters must be handled carefully to ensure the safety of human beings and the animals themselves. Precautionary measures must be taken for efficient and long-term removal without harmful side effects. Fortunately, there are qualified companies and dedicated individuals who have made it their purpose to manage animal control in a way that is humane and beneficial for all parties involved.

The heart and soul of a great pest removal company is the employees. Each of the trained technicians that come to your home will have received extensive on-the-job experience. This enables them to understand the kinds of animals they are dealing with, how to handle them appropriately, what can be done to remove them efficiently and safely, and where they can be released for a continued life of creature roaming.

Additionally, all employees are fully covered with adequate insurance involving general liability, auto liability, and worker’s compensation. This can give you the peace of mind knowing you are fully released from any obligation resulting from an unforeseen circumstance occurring on the job.

When you suspect an infestation or that some unlikely creature is making home on your property, chances are you anticipate a solution right away. A humane animal control company will go to great lengths to respond quickly to your call to avoid unnecessary harm from happening to you or the critters. After a thorough investigation and thoughtful solution are put in place, trained technicians will take over and use a series of tactics to catch the creatures.

One of the ways in which humane removal of animals takes place includes modifications in habitat which can be convincing enough for some pests. Another way could involve the simple task of excluding the pest or pests from escaping anywhere else. Should an animal have to be forcibly removed, cautionary measures are still taken to avoid injuring the animal or losing it along the way.

In every scenario, humane removal means the technicians will work quickly and safely to put the animal back into its habitat where it can live a long life. A reliable animal removal company will also have a track record of being able to reunite animal offspring with their mother’s wherever possible. Finally, a partnership with facilities directing the humane treatment of animals is another incredible benefit you will recognize if you choose to enlist the help of an exceptional animal removal company.

If you are experiencing the frustrations of dealing with unlikely pests, today is the day to call for humane animal removal in Raleigh –

Defensive Opossums

When an opossum becomes defensive they will hiss or open its mouth to show its teeth. When confronted, however, they generally roll over and play dead. If you have opossums in your outbuildings, you should have them removed by professionals.


Defensive Opossums

Why You Should Relocate Honey Bees Instead of Exterminating Them

When you find a hive of bees near your home or on your property, your first instinct may be to exterminate them. If they are honey bees, however, you should consider relocating them. There are many reasons to relocate honey bees including:

  • Helpful pollination for agriculture
  • Assist floral growth
  • Honey production



Honey bees are one of the many pollinators found in nature. They transfer pollen from the male part of the flower to the female part of the flower. This is helpful in a wide variety of ways. If you are a farmer, you want the honey bee to help pollinate agricultural crops. These types of bees also help pollinate flowers, keeping your landscaping beautiful and providing habitats for other insects and birds.



Honey bees are aptly named because they produce the sweet, sticky substance. The honey bees you find on your property pass nectar back and forth before depositing it and sealing it in a honeycomb. This honey is then used by the bees as a winter food source and by people who enjoy a natural sweetener.

If you hire a pest control company to help relocate honey bees, you are helping preserve all the beneficial work the bees do for the environment and agriculture. If you need honey bee relocation in Cary, visit this website.

honey bee

What to Do If You Think You Have Squirrel Problems in Your Home

Squirrels may look cute and furry, but they are better off outside than in your home. Squirrels can cause damage to your home, particularly your attic if left unchecked. There are several steps you should take if you suspect a squirrel problem including:

  • Call a squirrel removal service
  • Fix any damage
  • Seal access points

Professional Service


If you think you have a squirrel problem, the first thing you should do is call a pest control company. A professional service can help with squirrel removal and relocation. It’s important to call a professional because certain squirrel varieties can become territorial.

Repairing Damage and Sealing Holes


Squirrels can cause a wide array of damage in homes and attics. As members of the rodent family, they have four teeth that never stop growing so they gnaw continuously to keep their teeth worn down. They can cause damage to fascia, gutters, rafters, joists and even wiring and insulation. After any damage if fixed in the attic you should also patch any holes or access points to prevent squirrels from making themselves at home in your house in the future.

A professional pest control company can help you remove these furry creatures from your attic, making your home safer for you and your family. If you need squirrel relocation in Cary, visit this website.


How to Tell If You Have Termites

There are several kinds of pests that can cause chaos in your home. There are few more damaging than termites, however. There are several ways to determine if you have termites including:

  • Piles of wings
  • Visible damage
  • Mud tunnels

Piles of Wings


When temperatures and humidity conditions are just ring in the spring, winged termites will emerge from the colony they have created in the ground. These swarms can move inside your home, starting a new colony there. You may not see the actual swarm of insects, but if you find a large pile of wings in the basement or other areas of your house, you may have a termite problem

Visible Damage


Termites can live inside your walls for a long time before you begin to notice damage. It’s possible to detect termite damage during construction, home inspections or at other times. You may notice damage to the walls, floors or ceiling. You may also find hollowed wood structures by knocking on them. Mud tunnels about the size of a pencil along interior or exterior walls can also indicate a termite problem.

Termites can cause costly damage to your home and they breed by the thousands. A pest control service can help you eradicate and prevent termite infestations. If you need termite treatment in Garner, visit this website.


5 Kinds of Common Snakes in the Raleigh Area

When you find a snake in your yard, under your porch or even in your home, you should call in a professional snake removal company. There are several kinds of snakes in the Raleigh area including:

  • Water moccasins
  • Cottonmouths
  • Copperhead
  • Rattlesnakes
  • Garters

Venomous Snakes


It is difficult to tell the difference between venomous and non-venomous snakes. That’s why it is always best to call in a professional when you find a snake on your property. Cottonmouth, copperhead and rattlesnakes are all venomous and can be dangerous to you and your family. Never handle a snake yourself. The last thing you want to do is misidentify a snake and end up with a bite from a poisonous species.

Non-Venomous Snakes


Water moccasins and garter snakes are not venomous. Your safest bet is still to call a pest removal service. Professionals are trained to spot the differences between kinds of snakes and know how to trap and remove the animals using humane methods and relocate them to a more suitable habitat. A professional company can even help you prevent future snakes from finding their way onto your property and into your home.

Pest control companies can help you remove snakes from your home and property safely and effectively. For snake removal in Raleigh, visit this website.


4 Signs You Have Roaches Living in Your Home

There are more than 4,000 species of cockroaches on the planet. These insects cause all kinds of problems for homeowners. There are four common signs you have roaches in your house.

1.  Seeing the Insects


The easiest way to know you have roaches in your home is to actually see the insect. Roaches are nocturnal so you will mostly likely see them at night. They will scatter when you come into a room and turn on the light.

2. Roach Droppings


Another sign that you have roaches is if you see their droppings. The size and look of the droppings vary depending on species. Check in dark places like behind the stove or refrigerator,

3. Egg Cases


Roaches breed rather quickly and produce casings with many eggs. The casings are long and brown and are a clear indication of a roach infestation. You will generally find these in tight nooks and crannies like cracks in walls.

4. Musty Odor


The fourth sign you have a roach problem is if you notice a strong, musty odor. This will get worse as the infestation grows over time. You may also notice an odor from dead roaches.

Roaches can carry diseases, contaminate your food and cause asthma attacks. You should call a pest control company at the first sign of roaches. For roach removal in Raleigh, visit this website.

Cockroach Invasion - Bug's View